About the owner

Robyn Coleman is a Board Licensed School Psychologist,  Nationally Certified School Psychologist and the Owner of Full Spectrum Educational Consulting.  She specializes in neuropsychological and diagnostic assessment of preschoolers, children, adolescents, and adults.  Robyn graduated from the University of Toledo in 2012 with a Masters and Education Specialist Degree in School Psychology.  Robyn  has held a number of  positions in a wide range of settings in Florida, Nevada, Washington, and Ohio. 

Robyn’s expertise includes evaluating and treating persons affected by learning disorders including dyslexia, learning disabilities, and autism. As part of the evaluation process, Ms. Coleman frequently consults with teachers, related service providers, and families to support the implementation of academic and behavioral recommendations. Additionally, with her knowledge of special education law, she is frequently consulted regarding appropriate practice and can provide a realistic expectation of what to expect and advocate for in regards to your child’s specific needs within the school system. She guides families through the process of obtaining supportive services and applying for academic accommodations including Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and 504 meeting attendance.

In addition to providing language and culture support to schools around the greater Cincinnati region,  Robyn has provided behavior intervention via Pax Tools (trauma based tool), academic intervention, and crisis training to schools. Robyn also is a regular lecture specialist to the University of Cincinnati, University of Dayton, and Xavier University regarding her mastery in psychological knowledge.  She routinely participates in university student’s dissertations and master's thesis committees.  While in the school based settings, she  works constantly with developing, implementing, and working within school based multiple tiered systems of support.  Robyn has extensive experience working within large district problem solving teams and managing problem solving within school based teams.

Robyn belongs to the National Association of School Psychologists and the International Dyslexia Association. She has presented at state and national conferences on topics ranging from math fact performance correlations with standardized test performance and how to appropriately implement positive behavior support in schools, particularly in regard to sensitive populations such as emergent multilingual learners and being culturally responsive in schools and assessment.  

Robyn first became interested in the field of psychology without really knowing by growing up with a sibling who was diagnosed very late with autism.  “It upset me deeply knowing that she didn’t get the resources and support she needed to be successful until much later in her life and I saw how she struggled.”  She started doing research in undergrad with a developmental psychology professor, reading literature, and exploring everything she could to help figure out how to help her sister.  From that point, it became her passion and expanded to graduate school and a career of wanting to support and help those  going through differences and difficulties of their own or with someone they love. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with her family, traveling, exercising, and trying new restaurants.  Robyn is excited to work with you at Full Spectrum Educational Consulting!